TRE Re-Entred botf as a clan on sun/20/01/2002
Praetor TRE_Darkman  Second TRE_Kintar
Rules/History of TRE/Member's/Medal's/Join/Armada-Site

When the Vulcan race adopted logic and rejected violence,those that disagreed with Surak's philosophy boarded several large colonization ships and sought a new world.Arriving at the class M world of Romulus and it's trojan class K twin Remus, the Romulan Empire was born.
Romulans are very similar to Vulcans and can only be distinguished by a detailed genetic scan.
The Romulan wars between Earth and Romulus in the 2150's lead to the formation of the United Federation of Planets. Romulans emerged from a long absence in 2364 and are a leading threat to the Federation today. Romulans are the inventors of the Cloaking devices used in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Romulans have a bipolar personality, very caring one minute, ruthless the next. Romulans have had a relationship with the Klingons ranging from military alliance to open warfare and back in just a few years time. Well, about two thousand years ago,the Vulcans were a very passionate, and violent race. They fought and fought. They could even be compared to the Klingons! Then a very non-warlike, sensible Vulcan named Surak brought forth his thoughts of peace, and logic. Later, around 20,000 Vulcans left Vulcan in discust. They rejected Surak's thoughts of peace, and logic. They travled for months and months and by the time they had found a suitable planet there were only 10,000 left. They still had warlike thoughts going around in their minds and fought each other. After that there were only 6,000 left. But they learned to calm down- after a while.Romulans have a fascinating culture. They are a very  very honorable and tender people,but they can be extremely violent in the extreme. The Romulans have a wide variety of talents. They range from artist to warrior. That's what makes Romulans so unique. In the past,though, they have become blood enemies of the Klingons.Romulans were forced to make trade agreements with the Klingons.After that collapsed (for some unknown reason) Romulans were back at full capabilities and became enemies I mean ENEMIES with the Klingons. Other than the Klingons, the Romulans don't particularly hate anyone.Romulan males are from 5'7'' to 6'3''. Romulan females are from 5'7'' to 5'9''.Males weigh from 145-250 lbs. And females weigh from 125-165 lbs.All Romulans are 2-3 times stronger than the average Human.  

ok some people might have noticed that this is very plain site reason for this is becouse some people have trouble looking thru sites with alot of high graphic's becouse of there rom and it takes them to long to download the page so they don't bother which also mean's they don't join so that's why this site is plain and simple apart from the medal's page.